For Dentists

Please click on the link below to download the referral form. Once it is completed, please email it to:

Dear Colleagues,

We understand the importance of trust when referring a patient for endodontic care. As a dedicated endodontist, I am committed to providing the highest standard of care using the latest techniques and technologies. Our goal is to work in collaboration with you to ensure the best possible outcome for your patients. Your trust is invaluable, and we promise to nurture each referral with the utmost professionalism and care. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or to discuss a case. We value our professional relationship and look forward to working closely with you for the betterment of our mutual patients.

Warm regards, Kings Dental Specialists Team

Our aim is to offer exceptional endodontic treatments in a timely fashion.

We strive to accommodate your referred patients within a 2-week timeframe, ensuring priority slots for those with urgent needs.

Upon completion of the required treatment, patients will be guided back to your good care for providing a definitive restoration.

Any further treatments beyond your initial referral will be coordinated and communicated with you.

Our endodontic procedures consistently include a final core restoration, and when required, provision of post and core.

This approach guarantees an optimal coronal seal, making your subsequent preparation for the definitive restoration as seamless as possible.

However, if you'd rather us omit the post-core, kindly specify this on the referral document.

We proudly offer a distinctive service: "Refer and Learn".

With the aid of our advanced equipment, we can broadcast the procedure from our operating microscope directly to the surgery's display.

If you are interested in attending and your patient has given their approval, please reach out to us.

We provide the following services:

  • Non-surgical root canal treatments and retreatments
  • Periapical surgery
  • Management if resorptive lesions
  • Pain diagnosis
  • Management of discoloured teeth
  • Cone Beam CT scan (using the designated CBCT referral form)
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